The Discipleship Project

During a trip to Uganda in 2021, God revealed to our board the abundance of evangelism and lack of discipleship happening in Uganda. The Great Commission to "go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit" is for all who trust in Jesus Christ. Until now, the majority of the work we've done in Uganda was to help improve conditions and give tangible tools to people there, especially other believers. God is calling us to step up our game.

We specifically noted several men and women who are really passionate about God, but didn't seem to know how to or have opportunities to lead. I have a strong conviction that, as missionaries, we're doing a disservice if we go into the country to accomplish works and the works cease when we leave, we're not doing something right. Actions Speak Louder wants to do missions a lot differently than many. We want to stay as behind the scenes as possible and give tools to the Ugandans to help elevate them in their calling. They're called just like we are. They should be making the disciples in their communities, not waiting on missionaries to do it. And I believe many of them want to; they just need training. That's where we're walking into our calling.

Aaron, our dear brother and ministry partner in Lweteega, has been the first to complete the discipleship training program T4T (Training 4 Trainers). The program is about making disciples who make disciples. It's fantastic and breaks down the basics of what following Jesus looks like. Seems so simple, but was revolutionary to Aaron, whose father is the pastor in Lweteega. Pastor Djungu (Aaron's father) is also excited about the program. So much so that we are taking a team to 5 specific villages in Uganda this fall to introduce the basics. The prayer is that the people will be excited about the opportunity to learn how to share the gospel, share their personal testimony, and actually disciple new believers themselves, instead of expecting the pastor (or no one) to do it! Please be in prayer with us as we travel and encourage other believers in their faith journey!

If you'd like to know more, please reach out through our contact form or by following us on Facebook and/or Instagram in the bottom right corner of this page. We would love to hear from you!

Stay tuned for updates upon our return!

Our goal is to change the life course of people in need.

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