The Jinja Project

When God calls you out into the deep, whether it’s across the street or all the way to Africa, you have to trust Him and go.

Our first project at Actions Speak Louder was to help a children’s home in Jinja, Uganda. They care for 17 children who either don’t have parents or whose parents could no longer take care of them.

This project will always be special to me because God used it to radically change my faith. Learning of the needs of these kids, heading to Uganda for the first time, seeing the needs first-hand, and knowing I needed to do something is basically the story of how ASL was born.

For about 16 months, we provided the children’s home with funding for their basic needs, such as shelter, food, electricity, running water medical bills, etc., while they sought other funding and revenue sources for sustainability. During this time, I had the privilege of traveling to visit them twice. It was incredible to see them learning scripture and learning how and what it means to worship God.

In February of 2019, a team of 2 expanded our outreach to the women and children in Bugembe Town by hosting a Backyard Bible Club and a Women’s Night of Worship. Regardless of anything else, it’s a blessing to be used by the Lord to share the Gospel. However, these events were particularly special because of a lot of false teaching in Uganda. Many people become pastors to solicit money and power. People don’t study the Word and they spread false messages about God and what it means to follow Him. We shared during both events that God is love and He wants to have a relationship with us. He is not someone to fear. We live under grace, not law! I pray that seeds were planted and the Lord continues to do mighty things in the lives of the people there in Bugembe.

Our goal is to change the life course of people in need.

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